Thursday, January 25, 2007

Session #1, January 25, Focusing the Mission

Greetings Tammie, Jason, & Jon,

You may have read 1984, Future Shock, or other futuristic novels. During the next several months we will exploring the matrix of Christ's Gospel, Culture, and the Church. There will be some carryover from the Emergent Church Movements course that Tammie & Jason are also taking with me this spring trimester--you may melt down from the reading or my humor;-)

I want you to enjoy this exploration party into theology above the treeline. The nuances of culture will be explored to stretch our paradigms or even deconvert. I am looking forward to learning with you as we dialogue on these issues. Please feel free to ask any questions, provide suggestions, and express concerns and insights that you may have that arise during this term. The goal of this course is to begin answering several basic question of the subversive kingdom of God: What is the gospel, church, and it's mission? How does all this connect to the students' ministry context?

This blog will provide the format for our weekly postings and discussions. You are invited to make as many posts as you want to each day/week, a minimum would be your responses to each of the questions listed in the "Weekly Reflection Post." This blog is intended to be for our class only, and if you want to invite your mentor, friends, and pastor into this blog, please request permission from me prior to sending the link for this blog to your desired blog associate member.

Course Projects:

1) Weekly Reflection Worksheets, are posted on this blog. They are due 11 pm on each Thursday of our class sessions. I will be available to respond to your daily/weekly blog posts, except one week in March (3/19-23) when I am in Canada at an ATS Conference may pose a problem. Another event on the horizon is the arrival of our grandson sometime in early February??

2) Integration Paper, may be sent to me via e-mail file at:, due by midnight April 30th.

3) Oral Exam, will be completed on April 19th via a phone call at a convenient time. All assigned phone conferences will be at a convenient time and on the WTS tab as I will initiate the phone calls. You may call me anytime during the day at WTS: 1-800-992-4987.

Shalom,Dr. John Nissley

Weekly Reflection Worksheet #1, Hunsberger & Van Gelder, parts 1-2 (Two pages per worksheet would be acceptable practice. Your responses to this worksheet will be due by next Thursday)

Part 1, Describe the Newbigin gauntlet. Explain the missiological triangle on page 9. What's so important about this cultural stuff, I thought the gospel was about getting people baptized and saved?

Part 2, Van Gelder discusses 18 issues facing the NA Church. This is a buffet line of missiological issues. It can be overwhelming. Let's boil this down a bit. What is the center of the NA Church? What are its boundaries? We will discuss centered and bounded sets after your posts. This is missiological jargon that helps to analyze global dynamics of the church. You may want to step back to develop a bigger picture of missiology, and you may reflect upon several universal questions. What is the missiology of the Church? What is the missiology of the NA Church? Your congregation?


Tammie said...

Just a question ...

Will the weekly reflections always be posted Thursday morning to be due that evening?

Just curious because I work all day and have practice with my praise team Thursday evenings so timing is going to be rough to put together something coherent.

Having said that, you would like the paper for this week by 11 p.m. tonight?

Tammie said...

Oops. Sorry. Lesson #1 - read everything before posting a comment!

Dr. J. said...

Hi Tammie,
I will attempt to have the assignments posted one week in advance. So we are starting with a week of grace and then will actualize it by the end of trimester.

What would be good time to call after you return home from the Praise Team practice? We have several phone calls for these courses. They are brief contact calls to keep in touch.