Sunday, April 1, 2007

Interview: Rock Daddy

I utilized the questions Dr. J. posted, however, being in a small town the only intentional communities I could come up with were Mennonites and an Elderly Care Facility. It was interesting to note that the Mennonite lady I spoke with commented on how they believe in a simple life, however, they do accept technology and realize that it is necessary for business. She commented on how the Internet is used in stores and such but that the elders of the church are really struggling with this new technology. I shared with her that I found it interesting that even with their simpler life and such that they too have struggles and issues that create tension and possible splits in the church. We had a very nice conversation and in the end we both agreed that the message of Jesus must remain the core, but that everything else needs to adapt and change in order to reach out to the lost. As far as the resident of the assisted living center goes, she really didn't add much of note. I think I would like to talk to one of the nuns up at Our Lady of the Pines this summer and see what their thoughts are.

1 comment:

Dr. J. said...

It is interesting to watch the impact of technology upon my Amish/Mennonite relatives and friends. I see glimpses of renewal and openness to technology and increased evangelical sensibilities in the Amish and Conservative Mennonite communities. Thanks for completing these interviews; you may have contact with a former gang member in a local youth outreach-->the drug connections permeate all levels of society. Your mention of interviewing a nun at OLPRC would be an interesting experience; they have been wonderful, gracious hosts.