Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sessions #6 & #7, Dyrness

[In order to catch our collective breath, I am combining some session posts. This term is flying by.]

Visual Faith and the brief history/theology/art interpretation that Dryness provides has many insights into worship/culture/PM missiology in EC ministry. The arts are an expression of worship that proclaims the beauty and glory of the Triune God in creation. Our view of creation/matter/stuff impacts our theology/ecology (care of the good earth)/holistic view of life and ministry.

1) Reflecting on Dryness, how does our view of culture, church, and Christ impact our theology and practice of worship?

2) Reflect on the art presented on pages 110 and 112.

3) Why do think modernism is collapsing? Or do you think that modernity will survive the onslaught of PM? (I work with philosophers who do not like PM and avoid teaching it. They can't argue with a system that has no presuppositions to argue (That actually is a presupposition.).

4) How do you envision and/or practice utilizing the arts in your ministry?

5) What arts are emphasized in your church, family, and local community?

6) Explain the value and emphasis of word, sacrament/ordinance, and the arts in your life and ministry?

7) Reflect on pages 151-154, Does art play a role in discipleship? Have you died to self and allowed your life's work to take on a life of its own? Can you kill a dead person?

Interview prompts that you can adapt:

1) What is your favorite recreational activity, hobby, or craft?

2) What is your favorite Super Bowl commercial? Explain why you like it.

2) Use a picture of Rembrandt's Storm on the Sea (I have one in my office.) or print a copy or use your laptop to display this photo: Then ask, what is the story behind this picture? Then read Luke 8:22-25. Now, ask them what does picture mean to you? (I can e-mail a file of the picture if you need it.)


Red said...

So, does this mean that the answers to these questions and the interview results are not due until next week?

Dr. J. said...

Jason, you can take an extra week if you need it to complete the interviews. Thanks for checking in.